March 19, 2021

Who We Are


NewHoRRIzon is dedicated to diversity and bridging spheres – starting within the project. The consortium is formed by 1 grassroots organisation, 1 NGO, 4 funding agencies, 7 universities, 3 research & technology organisations and 3 academic research organisations. They are representing 11 countries from Asia, Central & South America and Europe.

They are scholars and practitioners in innovation coming from backgrounds as diverse as:

• agriculture • archaeology • arts history• astrophysics • automated control systems
• biomedicine • biotechnology • business administration• business economics• business ethics
• chemistry• climatology • computer science • conflict management • corporate and commercial law
• ecology • economics • education • engineering• environmental sciences
 • ethics• European policies • European studies • gender studies • health psychology
• history• humanities• information science• international relations• law
• linguistics• management• medical biology• meteorology• mining and metallurgy
• natural resource management• nature conservation• philosophy• physics• political science
• project management• psychology• public policy and governance• science and technology studies• science communication
• sinology• social and cultural anthropology• social behavioural science• social science• social studies
• sociology• sustainability studies• tourism

Consortium Partners