February 12, 2019

Social Lab 18: Instruments of H2020

What is a Social Lab?


Horizon 2020 pillar: Diversity of approaches

Instruments of Horrizon2020 – Cross Cutting Activities has three focus areas; Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy, Internet of Things, and Smart and Sustainable Cities, which are all represented in Social Lab 18. The aim of the programme is three-fold: 1) to “boost economic growth and renew Europe’s industrial capacities (..)” by “demonstrating the economic and environmental feasibility of the circular economy approach”. 2) To support “the combination of different technologies such as internet, components, big data, cloud or advanced computing and their integration in innovative use cases addressing major societal challenges” and lastly 3) to bring “together cities, industry and citizens to demonstrate the feasibility of developing (..) successful solutions for smart and sustainable cities in Europe” and “creating urban spaces powered by secure, affordable and clean energy, with smart electro-mobility and showcasing effective, innovative nature-based solutions.” The program allocates funding for coordination and support actions, R&I projects, and innovation projects involving a variety of stakeholders in research, industry, public bodies and civil society organizations.

Social Lab Workshops

Workshop 1

Date: 19 – 20 April 2018

Description of the workshop

Workshop 2

Date: 19-20 November, 2018

Description of the workshop

Workshop 3

Date: 10 December 2019

Description of the workshop

Pilot actions

Pilot Action 1: Bintelligent

Bintelligent is an innovate waste bin equipped with sensors to tell us how well we sort our waste. The ultimate goal of a waste sorting system is to obtain cleaner residual resource that can be recycled to substitute raw materials. However, source-sorted waste often contains impurities that hinder their direct integration in the resource loop. The aim of this project is to design, test, and evaluate an innovative waste bin to increase both the quantity and quality of source-sorted solid waste. The bin was tested at Roskilde Festival in June 2019.

More information about this pilot action can be found here.

Pilot Action 2: RRI Lab

The purpose of the RRI House (formerly called RRI House) is to create a platform for awareness-raising, knowledge-sharing, networking, and public engagement activities around RRI in an interactive conference booth. The booth was represented at the Open Living Lab Days in Thessaloniki, Greece on September 3-5, 2019; read here for more information.

The booth will also be present at the Smart City Expo World Congress in November 2019.

Managers and facilitators

Social Lab Managers: Malene Vinther Christensen, the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Social Lab Manager Assistant: Astrid Lykke Birkving, the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Social Lab Facilitator: Christoph Mandl, Mandl, Lüthi & Partner, Austria.