Social Lab 2 – Workshop 3

Date: 4 & 5 March 2020

Venue: Tromso, Norway


The aim of this final Social Lab Workshop was to provide the participants with an opportunity to foster networking, knowledge and experience exchange related to pilot actions, reflect and evaluate pilot actions, and develop implementation plans, as well as extract lessons learned for future implementation of RRI in your professional context. For this purpose, diversity of stakeholders with particular expertise and experiences with different aspects of R&I system, FET topics, FOOD topics and/ or national interest gathered together. The two days’ workshop was hosted by GenØk – Centre for Biosafety in Tromsø, Norway where the participants from two NewHoRRIzon Social Labs, SL2 and SL8 reflected their knowledge and experience of their Pilot Actions. During the workshop, the participants engaged into different activities such as flexing the positive and negative reflection muscles seating in a circle, mock interview, informal interaction, etc. during brief walk after lunch in the first day of the workshop. These activities enabled in the participants to reflect on the lessons learned, opportunities and barriers while developing pilot actions and further strategies to promote RRI in R& I context.