NewHoRRIzon session at ESOF 2018 Toulouse

NewHoRRIzon will host a session at the EuroScience Open Forum, ESOF 2018 Toulouse, the largest general science meeting in Europe. Date: 13th July, 10:15-11:30 Title: Citizens’ participation in research and innovation agenda setting and beyond: Opportunities in Horizon Europe 2021-2027 Abstract: The NewHoRRIzon project, a SWAFS H2020 project involving 19 institutions (European Commission Grant Agreement No Read more about NewHoRRIzon session at ESOF 2018 Toulouse[…]

First NewHoRRIzon policy brief

The NewHoRRIzon project published its first policy brief in May 2018, coordinated and written by Robert Braun of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and co-authored by Michael Bernstein of GenØk – Centre for Biosafety with contributions from the NewHoRRIzon team, on the status of RRI in H2020. The policy brief aims at offering evidence based Read more about First NewHoRRIzon policy brief[…]