Updates about NewHoRRIzon project
The NewHoRRIzon project started its 19 Social Labs on the Program Lines of Horizon 2020, with the aim of promoting the uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in H2020 and beyond.
The NewHoRRIzon project started its 19 Social Labs on the Program Lines of Horizon 2020, with the aim of promoting the uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in H2020 and beyond.
On April 3, New HoRIzons RRI Networks first workshop was held in Tallinn, Estonia. The aim was to explain the concept of RRI, map existing practices, and agree on future cooperation. The target audience were representatives from organizations, which belong to Estonian RTD System (funding organizations, ministries, research support services at universities). The event was Read more about New HoRRIzons RRI Network first workshop in Tallinn, Estonia[…]
Starting with the kick-off of the NewHoRRIzon project in May 2017 the RRI Network working group has been committed to developing a shared understanding of the notion of RRI. The focus of this process was on gaining profound insight into RRIs relevance and applicability for national science and innovation funding. A series of internal workshops Read more about RRI Network working group launches a series of national workshops on RRI in funding[…]
Date: 4 & 5 April 2019 Place: Reichenau an der Rax; Austria Participants Participants came from 11 different countries and they represented a variety of stakeholders such as civil society organisations, research institutions and policy and funding agencies. Description The aim of this workshop was to commonly discuss the ongoing pilot actions addressing the issue Read more about Social Lab 9 – Workshop 2[…]