January 8, 2019

Social Lab 15: Science with and for Society (SWAFS)

Want to engage for societally engaged research and innovation?

Check out the opportunities Social Lab 15 has for you.

What is a Social Lab?


Horizon 2020 pillar: Diversity of approaches

The Science with and for Society (SwafS) Social Lab deals with the part of H2020, where the knowledge base for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has been built and extended for the past years . Therefore, the social lab does not so much center on questions of mainstreaming RRI in projects funded by the programme. It rather focuses on the potentials and challenges of SwafS and SwafS-like structures outside the framework programme to foster the “new paradigm” for research and innovation, which is to bridge the gap between science and society at large, or to put it simply, to strive for “engaged research and innovation”.

The Social Lab gathers those funded by the programme as well as potential beneficiaries of SwafS, e.g researchers, citizen science promoters, NGO, industry, and other actors such as national contact points and funding agencies working at different levels on science-society relations.

If you would like to engage with our activities, please contact social lab managers Stephanie Daimer Susanne Buehrer.

Social Lab workshops

Workshop 1

Date: 15 & 16 November 2018

20 participants

Presentation of the workshop

Workshop 2

Date: 1-2 April 2019

13 Participants

Presentation of the workshop

Workshop 3

Date: 20 & 21 January 2020

20 participants

Presentation of the workshop

Pilot actions

Detailed description of the Pilot Actions

All of our pilot activities depend on support from wider networks. If you want to support one of these activities please get in touch with social lab managers Stephanie Daimer Susanne Buehrer.

Managers and facilitators

Social Lab Managers: Stephanie Daimer and Susanne Buehrer, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Social Lab Facilitator: Philine Warnke, Kerstin Cuhls and Andreas Roess, Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Social Lab Assistants: Merve Yorulmaz Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe, Germany