Social Lab 4 – Workshop 3

Research infrastructures, such as electronic databases, mega-telescopes and other large scale research equipments do not operate in a societal vacuum. Embedded within society their implementation and use also needs to reflect their societal implications.

Social Lab 9 – Workshop 3

Whilst research on secure, clean and efficient energy effects everyone, current and future generations all over the globe, society does currently not have a role in most of the research activities that are done in this realm going beyond the role of a mere end-user.
A series of three workshops was developed by SL Energy team on these issues.

Social Lab 5 – Workshop 2

Dates: 4 November 2019 Place: Wageningen, the Netherlands Description RRI is a European framework in the research and innovation domain that tries to be sensitive and reflexive about societal needs and demands towards innovators and researchers, their work, and their outputs. Our work focused on engaging in discourses with key industry players, civil society organisations Read more about Social Lab 5 – Workshop 2[…]

Second NewHoRRIzon Policy Brief

The NewHoRRIzon project published its second policy brief in September 2019. We suggest that to better integrate RRI into research funding and governance RRI as policy construct must shift from a general ‘cross-cutting issue’ to an explicit policy goal, explicated in clear guidelines for action.

RRI Lab at OpenLivingLab Days

On September 3rd to 5th, the RRI lab – a pilot action of Social Lab 18 – was present at the annual OpenLivingLab Days in Greece. The RRI lab aims to foster face-to-face knowledge-sharing, networking, awareness and public engagement activities around RRI.