December 4, 2019

RRI Ambassadors

There is a gap between what science and innovation are already delivering and the needs and values of society!

Being an RRI Ambassador is about promoting ideas and actions to fill this gap!

RRI Ambassadors are an initiative of the NewHoRRIzon project to support the notion of Responsible Research and Innovation throughout Europe and beyond. The RRI Ambassadors initiative aims at getting together people from various fields and institutions to show that there is a substantial amount of interest for and knowledge on this problematic already.

RRI is needed (a) to tackle problem situations with a high degree of both social and technological complexity like digitalization, climate change and other large-scale societal challenges and (b) to more strongly aligning the production of knowledge and technology in science and innovation with citizens’ needs, expectations and values.

And its Ambassadors act as a symbol of good practices of responsibility in science, research and innovation. They are chosen because of what they are already doing to help this cause.

If you want to know more about what we expect from and offer to potential RRI Ambassadors, please, click here.

Here you can see the list of our RRI Ambassadors