Horizon 2020 pillar: Societal Challenges
Social Lab 13 “Secure societies” brings together stakeholders from research, governments, civil society and industry to think, discuss and act on Responsible Research and Innovation in the field of security. Within the social lab, concrete pilot activities are developed together with the Social lab participants to address the implementation of RRI in the field of Security research and innovation.
Social Lab Workshops
Workshop 1
Date: 2-3 May 2018
Workshop 2
Date: 10 & 11 April 2019
Workshop 3
Date: 26 & 27 November 2019
Pilot actions
Pilot action 1: Responsible AI framework and evaluation criteria for call for proposals
The pilot produced a responsibility framework and evaluation criteria for Council of Tampere Region’s European Regional Development Fund call for Responsible AI project proposals. The Pilot Action took place between October 2018 and January 2019. The Pilot Action developed a set of questions related to responsibility aspects of project proposals that were attached to the official project application template. In addition, an evaluation criterion was designed for this set of questions. The Responsible AI call was open for proposal up to fourth of March 2019.
Pilot Action 2: Capacity building of RRI in higher security education
“Capacity building of RRI in higher security education” targets to increase the knowledge and understanding of Responsible Research and Innovation by producing coherent course materials for undergraduate degree students in the field of security in Finland. Police University College of Finland, University of Jyväskylä, and Laurea University of Applied Sciences are the owners of the Pilot. The first phase of the Pilot Action, implemented within the Social Lab timeframe, is targeted to create and test on-line course materials for the needs of Police University College of Finland. The course material is made available for the students using Police University College’s Moodle on-line platform.
Pilot Action 3: Extending CSR towards ethical and responsibility framework: Impact on society
Objective of the pilot is to integrate social responsibility and security related indicators to the organization’s measurement of societal impact. The target group of the pilot includes companies that are taking part to three half-day FIBS Focus Group sessions led by VTT. The Focus group sessions are targeted in finding tools for measuring the societal impact of companies and answering e.g. the following questions: what can be measured (qualitative and quantitative measurements), why it is important to measure, what is important to measure and how societal impact can be measured (qualitative and quantitative measurements).
Pilot Action 4: RRI application tool for SMEs especially working on AI
Pilot Action owned by YAGHMA company creates a toolkit for the development and promotion of RRI in AI SMEs, that could also be applied to other SME kinds too. The tool helps AI SMEs get a grip on the R&D, technical feasibility and commercial potential of their ground-breaking, innovative idea and develop it into a credible business reporting on the RRI. The tool is targeted to enable AI SMEs to measure their project performance against tailor-made RRI KPIs and monitor them over time. Going beyond regular communication to stakeholders, effective corporate reporting is key to building trust and aligning investment through transparency and accountability. In addition to informing external stakeholders – including investors – corporate RRI reporting is a powerful stimulus for internal conversation and decision-making with regard to contributing to the RRI at all levels within a company.
Managers and facilitators
Social Lab manager: Mika Nieminen, Principal Scientists, VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Social lab co-manager: Veikko Ikonen, Senior Scientist, VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Social Lab assistant: Janika Miettinen, Research Scientist, VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd