Social Lab 7 – Workshop 2b

Date: 14 and 15 May 2019

Place: Stockholm, Sweden


We focused on developing our pilots further by sharing our results so far with the rest of the Social Lab group, incorporating their input and deciding on the next steps and specific outputs of each pilot. Inspiring presentations about the new model of patient involvement at Karolinska University Hospital, creating patient centred knowledge flows with the help of the Genia app and input from a H2020 expert at Karolinska Hospital’s Centre for Innovation provided much appreciated food for thought.


  • Hichem ben Hassine (Institute Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia)
  • Deborah Bertorello (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society Foundation, Italy)
  • Tanja Bratan (Fraunhofer ISI, Germany)
  • Bernhard Bührlen (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Kristine Debruyne (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship Agency VLAIO, Belgium)
  • Ilenia Gheno (AGE Platform Europe, Belgium)
  • Andreas Hager (Genia, Upstream Dream, Sweden)
  • Sissy Kolyva (Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece)
  • Lucia Monaco (Fondazione Telethon, Italy) – via audio link
  • Andreas Nordström (Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden)
  • Fredrik Öhrn (Bestor Consultancy and Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
  • Signe Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • Philine Warnke (Fraunhofer ISI, Germany)
  • Paola Zaratin (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society Foundation, Italy)